About the project

o-projektuMuseum in Smederevo`s project Virtual walk through the Smederevo fortress represents an attempt of local experts from Smederevo to reach wide audience in Serbia and abroad with technologically modern manner, eye-catching design, and the language which is concise, clear and understandable. The overall aim is to bring closer to general audience the information about one of the most important cultural and historical monuments in Serbia.

The project is funded by the Swedish government via SIDA – Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency. It is implemented by the Museum in Smederevo. Partners of the project are Swedish international independent organization for protection of cultural heritage Cultural Heritage without Borders – CHwB and Balkan Museum Network.

This project is amongst 11 projects from 4 countries of the Western Balkans which are funded within this call for proposals. The project Virtual walk through the Smederevo fortress develops three of five predefined themes within this call for proposals: 1. Access and inclusion (especially disabled children and adults); 2. Interpretation and communication and 3. Cultural tourism.

Web site you are visiting right now comes as final “product” of this project, and it is specially created web site with 360 degrees panoramic view of the Smederevo fortress from 20 different positions which almost fully capture monumental 10,5 hectares of the last medieval Serbian state capital city. We especially accentuated panoramic view of the Mali grad or Fortified castle of despot Djuradj Brankovic, head of the Serbian Despotate. Besides that, this web site implies both educational and touristic dimension. On more than 40 info points within this web site we offer basic information about all important aspects of the Smederevo fortress like towers, gates, sacral complex, Turkish bath…

This web site`s goal is popularization as well as further protection of the most important cultural and touristic resource of the city of Smederevo – the Smederevo fortress. In order to enable undisputed flow of information about the Smederevo fortress towards wider audience and potential tourists who wish to visit it we developed bilingual web site: in Serbian and English language.

This project was conducted during the period from 1st of July until 1st of December of 2013.

The author and manager of this project is Miroslav Lazić, historian and MA of communicology, curator and PR of the Museum in Smederevo. Institutional partners are Tourism organization of the city of Smederevo and Regional institution for Protection of Cultural Monuments, Smederevo. Creative partner is studio for creative marketing Art_Net from Smederevo. Beside them, this project gathered experts from different fields like Dejan Radovanović, archaeologist and advisor in Regional institution for Protection of Cultural Monuments, Smederevo who is the author or all written articles on this web site and senior advisor, as well as Mirjana Vukmanović, who translated all articles in English language.